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  • Rockwell Compact GuardLogix Safety Controllers

Rockwell Compact GuardLogix Safety Controllers

2015-06-26 12:11:26


Our Bulletin 1768 Compact GuardLogix® Safety Controllers is a CompactLogix™ controller that also provides safety control. As part of the Logix family, Compact GuardLogix controllers use a common control engine with a common development environment to provide high performance multi-discipline control for SIL 3 safety applications. GuardLogix Safety PACs offer integrated safety, discrete, motion, drive and process control, as well as seamless connectivity to plant-wide information systems, all in the same controller. Use EtherNet/IP™ or ControlNet™ networks for safety interlocking between GuardLogix controllers. Connect field devices over EtherNet/IP or DeviceNet™ networks.……

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  • High functionality in an economical platform

  • Provides system-wide integration of standard and safety control

  • Compatible with ArmorBlock® Guard I/O™ or CompactBlock™ Guard I/O modules for field device connectivity on EtherNet/IP™ or DeviceNet™ networks

  • Supports safety interlocking between GuardLogix® controllers over EtherNet/IP or ControlNet™ networks

  • Integrated safety and motion capabilities in a single controller

1768 Compact GuardLogix Controllers

Bulletin 1768 CompactLogix™ and Compact GuardLogix® controllers are ideal for small to mid-size applications that require safety, motion, and/or complex communications. They use the same RSLogix™ 5000 programming software that other Logix controllers use, so you can easily duplicate and scale existing programs to run on the CompactLogix and Compact GuardLogix platforms. These controllers offer integrated serial, EtherNet/IP™ or ControlNet™ channels, and modular DeviceNet™ communications. They support as many as 30 I/O modules and as many as 16 motion axes.

Communication Modules

Bulletin 1768 and 1769 CompactLogix™ and Compact GuardLogix® communication modules help you configure your system to exchange information between operating systems and a range of devices and platforms. You can select a CompactLogix or Compact GuardLogix controller with built-in communication ports, or select a coordinating communications module for the networks that meet your needs.

Compact I/O Modules

The Bulletin 1769 Compact I/O™ modules can be used as local and distributed I/O for a CompactLogix™ or MicroLogix™ 1500 controller. Select from a variety of digital, analog and specialty modules. The 16- and 32-point modules provide high-density I/O in a small package. A built-in removable terminal block provides connections to I/O sensors and actuators. I/O wiring can be routed from beneath the module to the I/O terminals.

Motion Modules

Our CompactLogix™ 1768-L4x controllers and the Compact GuardLogix® 1768-L4xS controllers support integrated motion through the 1768 SERCOS™ interface modules. Depending on the controller you select, the SERCOS interface module supports either four or eight axes, two or four feedback axes and six virtual axes. You can communicate with a variety of servo drives over a DeviceNet™ network or an RS-232 serial network.

Power Supplies

Bulletin 1768 CompactLogix™ and Compact GuardLogix® Power Supplies and Bulletin 1769 Compact I/O™ Expansion Power Supplies help keep your system running smoothly. Select power supplies based on the controller and the number of additional I/O banks you're using. If you are using a 1769-L23x controller, you do not need a separate power supply because the controller package includes an integrated power supply.


Safety Capabilities BrochureSAFETY-BR011DEENESFRITJAKOPT
Compact GuardLogix Safety Programmable Controllers Product Profile1768-PP001ENJA
Midrange Architecture System Selection GuideIA-SG001DEENESFRITJAKONLPLPTTRZC
CompactLogix Selection Guide1769-SG001CSDEENESFRITJAKONLPLPTTRZC
CompactLogix Controllers Technical Data1769-TD005EN
1768 CompactLogix System Quick Start ManualIASIMP-QS003EN
1768 CompactLogix Controllers User Manual1768-UM001EN
Compact GuardLogix Controllers User Manual1768-UM002EN
Logix5000 Controllers Common Procedures Programming Manual1756-PM001ENJA
Logix5000 Controllers Design Considerations Reference Manual1756-RM094EN
GuardLogix Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual1756-RM093EN
More GuardLogix Integrated Safety Controller publications in Literature LibraryAll Languages

Configuration & Selection Tools

Other Resources

  • Drives and Motion Accelerator Toolkit — Use selection tools, layout & wiring drawings, and HMI files to design, install, operate, and maintain a Rockwell Automation® drive system.

  • EtherNet/IP Capacity Tool — Calculate resources used by a proposed EtherNet/IP™ network.

  • Firmware Updates — Log in to get support for firmware updates.

  • Popular Configuration Drawings — Use these tools to understand the basic performance, capacity and configuration of the Integrated Architecture™ system.

  • Safety Accelerator Toolkit — Develop and deploy your safety systems using our GuardLogix® controllers, Compact GuardLogix controllers, SmartGuard™ controllers, Guard I/O™ modules, and safety devices.

  • Safety Automation Builder — Streamline safety system design, including safety system layout, product selection, and safety analysis to help meet machinery safety performance level (PL) requirements established by ISO 13849-1.

  • Safety Resource Center — Access current safety-related white papers, videos, presentations, simulations, calculators, and other tools.

  • Software Updates — Log in to get support for software updates.

  • Knowledgebase — Visit our online resource for technical information, support chat and forums, software updates, and product safety advisories/notices.