Rockwell 1756 GuardLogix Integrated Safety System
2015-06-26 11:50:44
GuardLogix Integrated Safety System GuardLogix® Integrated Safety Systems provide the benefits of standard ControlLogix® systems, plus safety features that support SIL 3 safety applications. GuardLogix safety controllers offer integrated safety, discrete, motion, drive and process control, as well as seamless connectivity to plant-wide information systems, all in the same controller. Use EtherNet/IP™ or ControlNet™ networks for safety interlocking between GuardLogix controllers. Connect field devices over EtherNet/IP or DeviceNet™ networks.……
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Safety Controllers
Bulletin 1756 GuardLogix® Safety Controllers have a two-processor architecture (1oo2) and are suitable for SIL 3 PLe applications. As part of the Rockwell Automation® Integrated Architecture™ system, these controllers use RSLogix™ 5000 programming software (L6 models) and the Studio 5000™ environment (L7 models). They offer common information capabilities and support CIP Safety over EtherNet/IP™ and ControlNet™ networks. These high-performance controllers provide a common control engine with a common development environment for all control disciplines. Consider these controllers for more sophisticated machines and for connectivity to business systems.
Redundancy Modules
Bulletin 1756 and 1757 ControlLogix® Redundancy Modules support fully redundant controller architectures with no additional programming required. Programs are cross-loaded automatically from the primary to the secondary controller, and the primary automatically updates the secondary with data changes to maintain controller synchronization. If the primary fails, control switches to the secondary automatically, and highest priority functions are guaranteed a ‘bumpless transfer.' Controller redundancy is transparent to any devices connected over an EtherNet/IP™ or ControlNet™ network. Select the ControlLogix extreme environment redundancy module for applications that must run in extreme environments.
Communication Modules
The ControlLogix® Communication Modules support EtherNet/IP™, ControlNet™, DeviceNet™, Data Highway Plus™, Remote I/O, Foundation Fieldbus, serial, DH-485 and SynchLink™ networks. Interface using ControlLogix communication modules via a ControlLogix gateway (without a controller in the gateway chassis), or interface directly to a ControlLogix controller. ControlLogix extreme environment communication modules are available for EtherNet/IP, ControlNet, Data Highway Plus and Remote I/O networks.
ControlLogix I/O Modules
Bulletin 1756 ControlLogix® I/O modules provide a full range of digital, diagnostic digital, analog, and motion control I/O to meet your application needs. Any of the I/O modules can be used in the local chassis of a ControlLogix controller. With the exception of the motion control modules, these modules can be used in a chassis linked to a ControlLogix controller across ControlNet™ or EtherNet/IP™ networks in a ControlLogix system.
ArmorBlock Guard I/O Modules
Bulletin 1732DS ArmorBlock® Guard I/O™ provides all the advantages of traditional distributed I/O for safety systems in an IP67 package that you can mount directly on your machine. ArmorBlock Guard I/O works with safety controllers that communicate on a DeviceNet™ network using CIP™ Safety. It is optimized for use with Allen-Bradley GuardPLC™, GuardLogix®, and SmartGuard™ controllers.
CompactBlock Guard I/O Modules
Bulletin 1791DS and 1791ES CompactBlock™ Guard I/O™ modules provide the advantages of distributed I/O for safety systems. These modules work with safety controllers that communicate on DeviceNet™ or EtherNet/IP™ networks using CIP™ Safety. CompactBlock Guard Safety I/O is optimized to work with GuardPLC™, GuardLogix®, and SmartGuard™ controllers.
POINT Guard I/O Modules
POINT Guard I/O™ modules are safety-rated I/O modules designed to fit into the standard POINT I/O™ system, offering automation and safety functionality in a maximum density I/O solution. POINT Guard I/O communicates by using the CIP™ safety protocol over EtherNet/IP™ for GuardLogix™ controllers or DeviceNet™ for SmartGuard™ 600 controllers.
Motion Modules
Add the Bulletin 1756 Sercos™ Interface Motion Modules or Analog Interface Motion Modules to your ControlLogix® system to leverage the power of the Kinetix® Integrated Motion solution. The Logix platform supports motion control components that work in a wide variety of machine architectures.
Power Supplies
Use the Bulletin 1756 ControlLogix® Power Supplies with the 1756 ControlLogix chassis to provide 1.2V, 3.3V, 5V and 24V DC power directly to the chassis backplane. These power supplies are available in standard, redundant and extreme environment models.
Modular ControlLogix® and GuardLogix® systems require Bulletin 1756 I/O Chassis. These chassis are designed for horizontal-only, back-panel mounting. You can place any module into any slot. The backplane provides a high-speed communication path between modules. Chassis are available in standard and extreme environment models.
Title | Number | Download |
Safety Capabilities Brochure | SAFETY-BR011 | DE| EN| ES| FR| IT| JA| KO| PT |
Integrated Architecture Brochure | IA-BR005 | JA| PT| ZC |
GuardLogix Product Profile | 1756-PP009 | DE| EN| ES| FR| IT| JA| NL |
ControlLogix Selection Guide | 1756-SG001 | EN| KO |
ControlLogix Controllers Specifications Technical Data | 1756-TD001 | EN |
GuardLogix Controllers User Manual | 1756-UM020 | EN |
ControlLogix System User Manual | 1756-UM001 | EN |
GuardLogix Controller Systems Safety Reference Manual | 1756-RM093 | EN |
GuardLogix Safety Application Instruction Set Reference Manual | 1756-RM095 | EN |
Logix5000 Controllers Design Considerations Reference Manual | 1756-RM094 | EN |
Logix5000 Controllers Common Procedures Programming Manual | 1756-PM001 | EN| JA |
More GuardLogix publications in Literature Library | All Languages | |
More ControlLogix publications in Literature Library | All Languages |
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